lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

writing II

It's cloudy here, in Barcelona, so I'm happy. Love the rain, especially in hard days like this.
Some people say that cloudy days are boring or sad. Some others say things like this: OMG, comes the melancholy. I'm the kind of person that thinks that cloudy and rainy days are probably the best. Yeah, it depends on the place you live, I know. But in places like Valencia or Barcelona -that's the hard citys that I use to live- rainy days... jesus! It can be funny
Sad eyed lady of the lowlands
In cloudy days like this, life can be different. Don't think so? Remember David Bowie's song: “we can be heroes, just for one day.” Yeah, I know...but imagine is free. Almost in the most sad cities, cloudy days make the streets beautiful and the people cross that streets too. Umbrellas, girls with boots, boys with his misted glasses, girls and boys with excited hair. Isn't true? And what about this angered marriage inside the car. Yeah, they say it's all because the rain. I can't believe. Can't understand this kind of people.

Clouds and rain. A mess. But in all this chaos seems to be a little bit of harmony.

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

Stand by me...nobody knows

Sitges. Escucho Oasis. Tengo que entrar a filmar con mi nueva c;amara a pilas de serie b o c o d. Lo hago. Estoy en Sitges y esto tengo que contarlo aunque no tenga nada o poco que ver con la lectura.

Dice Rodrigo Gudiño en una entrevista publicada en la prensa especial del festival que “el miedo debe conducir hacia otros sentimientos“ No es un mal mensaje para el Sabado noche, oye.

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Pretty things

Haven't got much time to write here. There's a pair of beatiful things that I want to show you:

Lost and found cheap things

Leonard Cohen starts to sing "dance me to the end of love"
I've bought a new book last weekend: El cuento de la isla desconocida, de Jose Saramago. I must wait for Christmas to read it 'cause haven't got much time to enjoy it. That's the reason why I preffer to read  some news in the newspaper or articles in the magacines.